Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Office Hours: T, 2-4

STIPIMM: “Because I Got High,” by Afroman

Here I am at my new desk at NEIA yesterday, looking all professional like. Several things to say about the picture:

- I was talking to Bridget on my cell phone at the time it was taken.

- It was taken in the afternoon, with the windows open on a sunny day, and with all the fluorescents on. It looks dark because the primary lighting was with flashes, and the flashes were significantly brighter than any other light in the room.

- Speaking of flashes, the picture is not actually one picture -- it's a composite of five different pictures that were taken with the flashes held in different places. Thomas, one of my colleagues, went around holding the flashes at different spots while Lucas, one of our students, snapped the pics. Thomas then Photoshopped the five different images together. That's why my head and back are a little fuzzy -- making them blend with the background wasn't easy.

- This may be the most interesting picture anyone's ever taken of me... which almost sounds sad.

- The last couple of times Bridget has seen this picture, she's said, "It's my angel-boy."


At 5:23 PM, November 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way this pic could be improved is if my blog were up on your computer screen in the background.

At 9:17 PM, November 04, 2007, Blogger The Boy said...

How do you know it wasn't?? Maybe that's why I'm smiling?


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