Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My first film festival award

Okay, not really. This wasn't so much an award as it was a booby prize, but I thought it was cool, so I'm sharing. A short film of mine, "Art Piece," was shown at the Jilted Film Festival, a very low-profile, fun annual event that features comedy shorts that had been rejected from other festivals. I didn't get the main prize, which was not particularly a surprise, but it only consisted of $25 and a tiara. What I got was what everyone else in the festvial got, which was the "It's Not You, It's Us" award. The booty from that award consisted of what you see above: a packet of microwave popcorn, the books "The Power of Positive Thinking" and "Chicken Soup for the Soul," and most importantly, a small bottle of cheap vodka. Everything a despondent filmmaker needs! I was disappointed I couldn't go to this fun event, which took place in Manhattan. Such is life.


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